Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 11, 2016

Some of the weirdest phobias ever

Let's along with us have a quick look at some of the weirdest phobias ever

1. Omphalophobia - Fear of navels

As weird as it sounds, some people do have this phobia where they can't touch their own or others' belly buttons. In fact, the very idea of a belly button, or simply seeing one is also feared by people who suffer from this phobia. Sounds more creepy than weird, right?

2. Trypophobia - Fear of holes

People who suffer from this phobia have a fear of small holes, and usually associate these with danger. You know, say, a honeycomb, a sponge, etc. The moment a sufferer sees anything with small holes, they could get nausea or full-blown panic attacks! Learn more about science facts via our wide range of articles.

3. Papaphobia - Fear of the pope

Yes, this is probably the weirdest of the lot, but some people actually fear the pope! The phobia may be related to the fear of saints or holy men. So if you suffer from it you definitely can't visit the Vatican City!

4. Somniphobia - Fear of falling asleep

Imagine having the fear of falling asleep! While some people just can't do without their regular eight hours a night, sufferers of this phobia may associate going to bed with dying, or losing time while asleep, or may fear lack of control.

5. Nomophobia - Fear of being without mobile phone coverage

Ah! I am sure we all have a little percentage of this hidden somewhere in us. But people with this phobia take it up a notch. They have a fear of losing mobile network, mobile battery, or even losing the sight of their mobile phone! Take a quick look at funny pictures with captions that can help you reduce stress quickly.

6. Hylophobia - Fear of trees

Okay, no offence, but some trees actually do look really scary at times. Anyway, people who have this phobia fear trees, wood, and forests. It may be caused by watching all those fairy tales or stories which talk about the evil guys staying in the forests. So go easy with the fables, alright? 

7. Turophobia - Fear of cheese

It's rather shocking to know that some people fear cheese. The poor souls have no idea how great it tastes! While some people may fear some particular cheese types, others may fear cheese altogether. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!

8. Globophobia - Fear of balloons popping

People who have this phobia can fear balloons in general or the sound produced when a balloon is popped. I have no idea how on Earth people with this phobia will ever be able to arrange a birthday party for their kids! Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

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